Field Course


Ontario Universities Program in Field Biology

Course title : Geography and ecology of tropical forests in Central Africa

Dates         : 10 – 23 August 2014.

Location     : Cameroon, Central Africa. Cameroon

Cost           : Estimated $3950. Covers airfare from Toronto to Yaoundé Cameroon and costs in Cameroon including all land transportation, accommodation, food, and entrance fees to zoos and parks.  Deposit of $250 required in your home institution.


Cameroon is a stable English – French speaking country with a culture of management of various ecosystems. Cameroon is the host country of the Central Africa Forests Commission (COMIFAC) and the UN project REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest degradation) for Central Africa. This field course will allow students to meet with the UN REDD+ authorities in Yaoundé, understand how the project REDD+ is implemented in Central Africa, and explore how REDD+ projects help mitigate global climate change.

Field work will involve measurements of forest ecosystem properties, including plant biomass, plant and animal biodiversity, and soil properties (physical, chemical, and biological) that influence forest ecosystem function.  Students will then explore how these data are used as part of a REDD initiative, with some emphasis on the necessity of future measurements required as part of REDD initiatives.  Students will also meet with local communities to see how they are linked with forest resources. The final days of the course will be spent exploring some of the diversity of ecosystems in this region, including grassland, woodland, steppe and semi-desert.  Students will make observations during the trip about the role of disturbance on the biogeography of these ecosystems.

For more information select this page Field course in Central Africa